FY25 Q1 trading update

Appendix I More information Vodafone Business ⫶ Virtual investor briefing Connecting people, places & things for a better future • We operate in attractive markets • We have unique scale & capabilities • We have strong operating momentum • We are on a clear growth pathway Materials including videos, presentation, case studies and Q&A: investors.vodafone.com/vbbriefing

Vodafone Technology ⫶ Virtual investor briefing A globally scaled operator • Our customer demand continues to accelerate • We have a strong technology roadmap • We allocate capital to drive returns • We are transforming to deliver growth Materials including videos, presentation, case studies and Q&A: investors.vodafone.com/vtbriefing

Additional data ⫶ Spreadsheet format investors.vodafone.com/results

Social Contract ⫶ Virtual investor briefing Shaping the Digital Society • Historical policy choices have impacted the European telecoms sector • Our ‘Social Contract’ enabling digital society • Pro-investment policy reform is essential for Europe to meet its digital objectives Materials including presentation & case studies: investors.vodafone.com/social-contract

1. Quarterly revenue 2. Group financial performance 3. Segmental results 4. Segmental analysis 5. Cash Flow 6. Mobile customers 7. Fixed broadband customers

8. Marketable homes passed 9. TV customers 10. Converged customers 11. Mobile churn 12. Mobile data usage 13. Mobile ARPU 14. FX rates

Q1 FY25 Trading Update ⫶ July 2024


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