2024 ESG Methodology


Vodafone Group Plc

Protecting our Planet Empowering People Maintaining Trust

Other information

Definitions Term #CountMeIn


In November 2020 we launched the ‘#CountMeIn initiative which encourages employees to voluntarily self-declare their diversity demographics. These include race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and caring responsibilities, in line with local privacy and legal requirements. _VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions) has grown from a single entity service provider to a global purpose-driven company that provides a comprehensive portfolio of services to Vodafone and other telecommunications operators throughout the world. A cellular technology based on wide band code division multiple access delivering voice and faster data services. 4G or long-term evolution (‘LTE’) technology offers even faster data transfer speeds than 3G. 5G is the fifth-generation wireless broadband technology which provides better speeds and coverage than the current 4G.


3G 4G 5G

Africa AGM

Comprises the Vodacom Group (including Egypt). Includes eVuna, Connected Farmer and MYFARMWEB. Annual General Meeting

Agricultural platforms Applications (‘Apps’)

Apps are software applications usually designed to run on a smartphone or tablet device and provide a convenient means for the user to perform certain tasks. They cover a wide range of activities including banking, ticket purchasing, travel arrangements, social networking and games. For example, the MyVodafone app lets customers check their bill totals on their smartphone and see the minutes, texts and data allowance remaining. The CDSB is an international consortium of business and environmental non-governmental organisations (‘NGOs’), which provides companies a framework for reporting environmental information with the same rigour as financial information. Carbon abatement, also known as enablement or avoided emissions, is an estimated measurement of carbon savings resulting from the use of identified products and services. Carbon intensity is a measure of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (CO 2 e) per specific product unit or financial output. CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global environmental disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. This means the customer has little or no equipment, data and software at their premises. The capability associated with the service is run from the Vodafone network and data centres instead. This removes the need for customers to make capital investments and instead they have an operating cost model with a recurring monthly fee. ‘CO 2 e’ or ‘Carbon dioxide equivalent’ is a term for describing different greenhouse gases in a common unit. For any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO 2 e signifies the amount of CO 2 which would have the equivalent global warming impact.

Carbon Disclosures Standards Board (‘CDSB’) Carbon abatement/enablement Carbon intensity Climate Disclosure Project (‘CDP’) Cloud/hosted services

CO 2 e

Common Functions

Comprises central teams and business functions.

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