2024 ESG Methodology


Vodafone Group Plc

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These emissions include the emissions from electricity required to use electronic devices that Vodafone sells, including mobile phone handsets, fixed line equipment (such as broadband routers) and other electronic devices. Emissions are calculated based on the number of devices, multiplied by the estimated average lifetime energy use of each device, multiplied by the location-based emissions factor in the country of product sale. The estimated average lifetime energy use of mobile phone handsets is drawn from EcoRating data sets, if available, or else from desk-based research of publicly available information on the energy use of similar devices. For all other devices, use-phase electricity consumption is estimated based on proxies for the average energy use of similar products (based on publicly available information). These emissions do not include the emissions from the use of SIM cards sold by Vodafone, on the basis that SIM cards can be used in a wide range of equipment with a wide range of electricity consumption and do not themselves create emissions. These emissions are calculated based on the estimated weight of products sold by end-of-life disposal channel (based on average rate of waste electronic recycling versus landfill), multiplied by the corresponding BEIS emission factor for each end-of-life channel. The average rate of waste electronic recycling versus landfill is calculated using the average recycling rates in four of our markets (Germany, UK, Italy, Spain), based on desk research of publicly available information.

Changes made to the methodology this year include: – Improved use-phase electricity consumption data based on storage capacity of mobile handsets.

11. Use of sold products

Emissions from the use of goods and services sold by Vodafone, principally from the energy used by network equipment, such as routers, and the energy required to charge mobile devices. 12. End-of-life treatment of sold products Waste disposal and treatment of products sold by the reporting company at the end of their life. 13. Downstream leased assets Emissions from the use of products or equipment leased to third parties.

There were no significant changes to the methodology for this category for this year.

No emissions have previously been reported against this category.

We have reported emissions from downstream leased assets for the first time this year and in all reported periods. This is based on the leased revenue reported in our financial statements. Emissions are calculated using the number of leased assets, multiplied by the lifetime electricity consumption and the corresponding IEA emission factor.

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