Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

75 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Division of responsibilities Chair Jean-François van Boxmeer – Leads the Board, sets each meeting agenda and ensures the Board receives accurate, timely and clear information in order to monitor and challenge management, guiding them and the Board to take sound decisions; – Promotes a culture of open debate between Executive and Non-Executive Directors and holds meetings with the Non- Executive Directors without the Executive Directors present; – Regularly meets with the Group Chief Executive and other senior management to stay informed; – Ensures effective communication with shareholders and other stakeholders; – Promotes high standards of corporate governance and ensures Directors understand the views of the Company’s shareholders and other key stakeholders, and the section 172 Companies Act 2006 duties; – Promotes and safeguards the interests and reputation of the Company; and – Represents the Company to customers, suppliers, governments, shareholders, financial institutions, the media, the community and the public. Senior Independent Director David Nish – Provides a sounding board for the Chair and acts as a trusted intermediary for the Directors as required; – Meets with the Non-Executive Directors (without the Chair present) when necessary and at least once a year to appraise the Chair’s performance, and communicates the results to the Chair; and – Together with the Nominations and Governance Committee, leads an orderly succession process for the Chair. Workforce Engagement Leads Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine Ramon – Engage with the workforce in key regions where the Group operates, answer direct questions from workforce-elected representatives, and provide the Board with feedback on the content and outcome of those discussions. Non-Executive Directors – Monitor and challenge the performance of management; – Assist in development, approval and review of strategy; – Review Group financial information and provide advice to management; – Engage with stakeholders and provide insight as to their views, including in relation to the workforce and the culture of Vodafone; and – As part of the Nominations and Governance Committee, review the succession plans for the Board and key members of senior management. Company Secretary Maaike de Bie – Ensures the necessary information flows between the Board and Committees, and between senior management and Non-Executive Directors, in a timely manner; – Supports the Chair in ensuring the Board functions efficiently and effectively, and assists the Chair with organising Director induction and training programmes; – Provides advice and keeps the Board updated on all corporate governance developments; and – Is a member of the Executive Committee.

Group Chief Executive Margherita Della Valle

– Provides leadership of the Company, including representing the Company to customers, suppliers, governments, shareholders, financial institutions, employees, the media, the community and the public, and enhances the Group’s reputation; – Leads the Executive Directors and senior management team in running the Group’s business, including chairing the Executive Committee; – Develops and implements Group objectives and strategy having regard to shareholders and other stakeholders; – Recommends remuneration, terms of employment and succession planning for the senior executive team; – Manages the Group’s risk profile and ensures appropriate internal controls are in place; – Ensures compliance with legal, regulatory, corporate governance, social, ethical and environmental requirements and best practice; and – Ensures there are effective processes for engaging with, communicating with, and listening to, employees and others working for the Company. Chief Financial Officer Luka Mucic – Supports the Chief Executive in developing and implementing the Group strategy; – Leads the global finance function and develops key finance talent; – Ensures effective financial reporting, processes and controls are in place; – Recommends the annual budget and long-term strategic and financial plan; – Oversees Vodafone’s relationships with the investment community; and – Leads on supply chain management, including the Vodafone Procurement Company.

Click to read more about the Board’s role and responsibilities, matters reserved and the terms of reference for each Board Committee: vodafone.com/board

Read more about our Board Committees, together with details of their activities, on pages 86-118

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