Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

74 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information


Our governance structure The Board

Responsible for the overall conduct of the Group’s business including: our long-term success; setting our purpose; monitoring culture, values, standards and strategic objectives; reviewing our performance; and maintaining positive dialogue with our stakeholders. The Board has established five formal Committees to focus on specific areas. These are outlined in further detail below:

Audit and Risk Committee Reviews the adequacy of the Group’s system of internal control, including the risk management framework and related compliance activities. Monitors the integrity of financial statements, reviews significant financial reporting judgements, and advises the Board on fair, balanced and understandable reporting and the long-term viability statement. The Committee also has joint responsibility, with the ESG Committee, for reviewing the appropriateness and adequacy of ESG disclosures provided within the Annual Report and the ESG Addendum, including the approval of their content.

Nominations and Governance Committee Evaluates Board composition and ensures Board diversity and a balance of skills. Reviews Board and Executive Committee succession plans to maintain continuity of skilled resources. Oversees matters relating to corporate governance.

Remuneration Committee Sets, reviews and recommends the policy on remuneration of the Chair, executives and senior management team. Monitors the implementation of the Remuneration Policy. Oversees general pay practices across the Group.

ESG Committee Oversees the ESG programme and monitors the purpose agenda in relation to empowering people, protecting our planet and ensuring that Vodafone acts with integrity. Monitors progress against key performance indicators and external ESG index results. Oversees progress on ESG commitments and targets.

Technology Committee

Supports the Board with fulfilling its oversight of the Company, specifically how technology underpins Company strategy, including assessing risks and exploring innovations for future growth. Monitors technology development, innovation, risks, disruptors and mitigations. Reviews technology supply chains, partnerships and external relationships.

Click to read more about the responsibilities of each Board Committee: vodafone.com/board-committees

Executive Committee Focuses on strategy implementation, financial and competitive performance, commercial and technological developments, succession planning and organisational development. The Committee has established a number of additional management committees including:

Click to read more about the Executive Committee: vodafone.com/exco

– Disclosure Committee – Risk and Compliance Committee – ESG and Reputation Steering Committee The Board

– AI Governance Board – Simplicity Board – Capital Decision Board

– Business Decision Board – National Security Committee

corporate governance, remuneration and effective succession planning, much of which is overseen through its principal Committees. The Executive Committee The Executive Committee comprises Margherita Della Valle, the Group Chief Executive, and Luka Mucic, Group Chief Financial Officer, together with a number of senior executives responsible for global commercial operations, human resources, technology, external affairs and legal matters. Committee members also include the Executive Chairman Vodafone Germany and CEO European Markets, CEO Vodafone Investments, CEO Vodacom Group, and Chief Commercial Officer and CEO Vodafone Italy. Led by the Group Chief Executive, the Executive Committee and other management committees are responsible for making day-to-day management and operational decisions, including implementing strategic objectives and empowering competitive business performance in line with established risk management frameworks, compliance policies, internal control systems and reporting requirements. Details of the Executive Committee members and their range of experience, skills and expertise can be found on page 79. Some members also hold external non-executive directorships, giving them valuable board experience. Biographies of the Executive Committee can be found on page 79

The Board comprises the Chair, Senior Independent Director, Non-Executive Directors, the Group Chief Executive and the Group Chief Financial Officer. Our Non-Executive Directors bring independent judgement, and wide and varied commercial, financial and industry experience to the Board and Committees. Board meetings are structured to allow open discussions. At each meeting, the Directors are made aware of the key discussions and decisions of the principal Committees by the respective Committee Chairs. Minutes of Board and Committee meetings are circulated to all Directors after each meeting. Read more about the Board’s activities during the year on pages 81-83 A summary of each role can be found overleaf on page 75 Biographies of Board members can be found on pages 76-78 The Board is collectively responsible for ensuring leadership through effective oversight and review. It sets the strategic direction with the goal of delivering sustainable stakeholder value over the longer term and has oversight of cultural and ethics programmes. The Board’s responsibility includes delivery of strategy and business performance. The Board also oversees the implementation of risk assessment systems and processes to identify, manage and mitigate Vodafone’s principal risks. It is also responsible for matters relating to finance, audit and internal control, reputation, listed company management,

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