Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

71 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Committee activities

To operate efficiently and to ensure matters are given the right level of focus, the Board delegates some of its responsibilities to its Committees. These provide focused oversight on: Board composition, performance, and succession planning; financial reporting, risk, internal processes and controls; remuneration practices; environmental, sustainability and governance topics; and technology strategy. Audit and Risk Committee

Board evaluation Progress in the year

The Committee oversees the Group’s financial reporting, risk management, internal control and assurance processes, and the external audit. This includes in-depth reviews of our principal risks, the review of our Annual Report and a programme of deep dives across multiple business units with a focus on the risk and control environment. The Committee also monitors the activities and effectiveness of the internal audit function and has primary responsibility for overseeing the relationship with the external auditor. Deep-dive topics during FY24 included reviews of adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions, disintermediation risk, adverse political and policy environment, strategic transformation, cyber threats, supply chain disruption, technology, data management and privacy. Entity deep-dives included the cluster of markets within the Other Europe segment, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone UK, Vantage Towers and Vodafone Business. The Committee also has joint responsibility, with the ESG Committee, for reviewing the appropriateness and adequacy of ESG disclosures provided within the Annual Report and the ESG Addendum, including approving its content. ESG Committee The ESG Committee provides oversight of Vodafone’s Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) programme and monitors the purpose agenda in relation to empowering people, protecting our planet and ensuring that Vodafone acts with integrity. Committee focus during the year was on the refreshment of our purpose agenda to create a digital society. The Committee also reviewed the ESG strategy and its evolution since the establishment of the Committee in 2021, and undertook a full review of the ESG reporting disclosures. Click or scan to watch the Chair of the ESG Committee, Amparo Moraleda, explain her role: investors.vodafone.com/videos Read more on pages 96-97 Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee sets, assesses and recommends for shareholder approval the Remuneration Policy for Executive Directors, sets the remuneration of the Executive Directors and approves the remuneration of the Chair of the Board and members of the Executive Committee. It also reviews remuneration arrangements across the Group to ensure they are aligned with our strategy, support our purpose and celebrate the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’. Fair Pay principles: 1. Market-competitive 4. Share in our successes 2. Free from discrimination 5. Provide benefits for all 3. Provide a good standard of living 6. Open and transparent Click or scan to watch the Chair of the Audit Committee, David Nish, explain his role: investors.vodafone.com/videos Read more on pages 89-94

The FY24 Board evaluation reported improvements had been achieved in: – Leadership: In July 2023, the appointment of Luka Mucic from 1 September 2023 as the Chief Financial Officer was announced. The Nominations and Governance Committee and the Board have also considered succession planning at a number of meetings. – Operational performance: The Board spent a full day in September 2023 focusing on the Group’s three strategic priorities and the initiatives supporting them. Additional sessions and updates on these initiatives featured in the remaining FY24 Board meetings including a deep dive into the satellite strategy and an update on deep detractor reductions. – Technology: In May 2023, the Board approved the establishment of the Technology Committee. The Committee has met three times during FY24 and focused on the current technology strategy including deep dives and the budgeting process for FY24. Read more on pages 84-85 Nominations and Governance Committee In addition to keeping under review developments in corporate governance and the Company’s responses to them, the Nominations and Governance Committee makes recommendations to the Board about Board composition and ensures Board diversity and the necessary balance of skills. The Committee recognises the need to anticipate the skills and attributes that will be needed on the Board as the Company develops. Committee focus during FY24 was on the appointment of the Group Chief Executive and the Group Chief Financial Officer, the establishment of the Technology Committee, and Board Committee composition following the departure of long-standing Non-Executive Directors at the conclusion of the 2023 AGM. The Committee has also spent time reviewing the bench strength of management. Read more on pages 86-88 Board changes Luka Mucic joined the Board as Group Chief Financial Officer on 1 September 2023. Luka brings extensive financial and international business experience. He has a strong record of international leadership, corporate repositioning and value creation that will support the strategic aims of the Group. Click or scan to watch the Group Chief Financial Officer, Luka Mucic, explain his role: investors.vodafone.com/videos Technology Committee The Committee oversees the technology strategy and how it supports the overall Company strategy. The Committee monitors progress against the strategy and assesses technology risks and industry trends. It also keeps technology development under review and explores innovations that enable future growth. Click or scan to watch the Chair of the Technology Committee, Simon Segars, explain his role: investors.vodafone.com/videos Read more on page 95

Read more on pages 98-118

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