Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Purpose (continued) 54 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Assurance Implementation of the anti-bribery policy is monitored regularly in all local markets as part of the annual Group assurance process, which reviews key anti-bribery controls. During FY24 we completed an on-site policy compliance review in Czech Republic. Further to this, in the DRC, Egypt, Greece, Tanzania, Turkey and Vodafone Group Services, selected key controls were evaluated to ensure their effective implementation. The annual assurance paper submitted to the Group Risk and Compliance Committee documents the key outcomes of these assurance activities and outlines the actions for the programme in the coming year. The results show that the anti-bribery programme has been well implemented and that the markets have strong controls in place to mitigate bribery risks. Some improvement areas were identified in third-party risk management, which remains a key focus area. Appropriate enhancement measures have been put in place. Fraud Fraud is a growing threat globally, impacting our customers, reputation, and financial performance. The Executive Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee have recognised this through significant focus on the oversight of management capability development to mitigate the risk of fraud and protect our customers and employees. Vodafone delivers fraud management through a global organisation and operating model, utilising a combination of global (Fraud Centre of Excellence), central (_VOIS) and local (dedicated fraud team in each local market and for Group entities) resource. This blend of resources allows us to provide timely, effective, localised responses to any incidences of fraud, whilst also ensuring that any intelligence and best practice that may benefit the wider organisation is curated and shared. We continuously evolve our fraud technology and ways of working, adapting to the tactics used by fraudsters, and also aligning with key partner teams such as cyber security to leverage our respective strengths and establish a robust, layered defence. The protection of customers and support for victims of fraud are paramount in our global fraud strategy. We are working to enhance our capability in these regards through a combination of technical solutions, operational processes and raising awareness.

Governance and risk assessment Our Group Chief Executive and Executive Committee oversee our efforts to prevent bribery. They are supported by local market chief executive officers, who are responsible for ensuring that our anti-bribery programme is implemented effectively in their local market. They in turn are supported by local specialists and by a dedicated Group team that is solely focused on anti-bribery policy and compliance. The Group Risk and Compliance Committee assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling duties with regard to risk management and policy compliance. As part of our anti-bribery programme, every Vodafone business must adhere to minimum global standards, which include: – Ensuring there is a due diligence process for suppliers and business partners at the start of the business relationship; – Completion of the global e-learning training for all employees, as well as tailored training for higher risk teams; and – Using Vodafone’s online gifts and hospitality registration platform, as well as ensuring there is a process for approving local sponsorships and charitable contributions. The risks we face evolve constantly but broadly fall into the areas summarised in the table below, which outlines the principal risk categories and the mitigation measures adopted. Engaging employees to raise awareness of bribery risk We run a multi-channel high-profile global communications programme, ‘Doing What’s Right’ (‘DWR’) to engage with employees and raise awareness and understanding of the policy. The DWR programme features e-learning training, including a specific anti-bribery module. Of those employees (including management) assigned training during the period, 96% had completed the training as at 31 March 2024. For higher-risk employees, additional tailored training programmes are used to cover scenarios relevant for those employees. We also conduct internal communication campaigns using a range of materials to highlight some of the key messages around zero tolerance of bribery and corruption, including communications from senior management.



Operating in high-risk markets Business acquisition and integration Spectrum licensing

We undertake biennial risk assessments in each of our local operating companies and at Group level, so we can understand and limit our exposure to risk. Proportionate anti-bribery pre- and post acquisition due diligence are carried out on a target company. Red flags identified during the due diligence process are reviewed and assessed. Following acquisition, we implement our anti-bribery programme. To reduce the risk of attempted bribery, a specialist spectrum policy team oversees our participation in all negotiations and auctions. We provide appropriate training and guidance for employees who interact with government officials on spectrum matters. Our anti-bribery policy makes it clear that we never offer any form of inducement to secure a permit, lease or access to a site. We regularly remind all employees in network roles of this prohibition, through tailored training sessions and communications. Third-party due diligence is completed at the start of our business relationship with suppliers, other third parties and partners. Through their contracts with us, our suppliers, partners and other third parties make a commitment to implement and maintain proportionate and effective anti-bribery compliance measures. We regularly remind current suppliers of our policy requirements and complete detailed compliance assessments across a sample of higher-risk and higher-value suppliers. Selected high-risk third parties are trained to ensure awareness of our zero-tolerance policy. We provide tailored training for our Vodafone Business and Partner Markets sales teams. In addition, we also maintain and monitor an online register of gifts and hospitality to ensure that inappropriate offers are not accepted or extended by our employees.

Building and upgrading networks

Working with third parties

Winning and retaining business

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