Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

26 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Our financial performance (continued)

Discontinued Operations

Vodafone Investments


FY24 €m (85) (177) 159 140 (133)

FY23 €m 137 195 -

Vantage Towers (Oak Holdings 1 GmbH) VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V.

Reported change % (2.9) (1.6)

Organic change 1 %

FY24 €m

FY23 €m

Total revenue

4,668 4,184 484

4,809 4,251 558

Safaricom Limited Indus Towers Limited

Service revenue Other revenue


50 51

Other 1 (including TPG Telecom Limited) Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures

Note: 1. Organic growth is a non-GAAP measure. See page 235 for more information. On 15 March 2024, we announced that we had entered into a binding agreement to sell Vodafone Italy to Swisscom AG for €8 billion upfront cash proceeds (subject to customary closing adjustments). Completion is expected to take place during the first half of the 2025 calendar year. The Group recorded a non-cash charge of €83 million, included in discontinued operations as a result of the re- measurement of Vodafone Italy to fair value less costs to sell. See note 7 to the consolidated financial statements for further information. Total revenue declined 2.9% to €4.7 billion due to lower service revenue and equipment revenue. Service revenue declined by 1.6% (Q3: -1.3%, Q4: -2.5%), as continued price pressure in the mobile value segment was only partly offset by strong Business demand for our fixed line connectivity and digital services. Vodafone Business service revenue increased by 7.6% (Q3: 7.5%, Q4: 6.1%) during the year, driven by strong fixed connectivity and digital services growth. Spain



Note: 1. The Group’s investment in Vodafone Idea Limited (‘VIL’) was reduced to €nil in the year ended 31 March 2020 and the Group has not recorded any profit or loss in respect of its share of VIL’s results since that date. Vantage Towers – 53.9% ownership On 23 March 2023, we announced the completion of Oak Holdings GmbH, our co-control partnership for Vantage Towers with a consortium of long-term infrastructure investors led by Global Infrastructure Partners and KKR. We received initial net proceeds of €4.9 billion in March 2023, and a further €500 million in July 2023, taking total net proceeds to €5.4 billion and the Consortium’s ownership in Oak Holdings GmbH to 40%. During the year, total revenue increased 6.3% to €1.1 billion, driven by 2,400 net new tenancies and 1,100 new macro sites. As a result, the tenancy ratio increased to 1.50x. Vodafone’s share of results in FY24 reflects the amortisation of intangible assets arising from the completion of the co-control partnership for Vantage Towers. During the year, Vodafone received €196 million in dividends from Vantage Towers. VodafoneZiggo Joint Venture (Netherlands) – 50.0% ownership The results of VodafoneZiggo are prepared under US GAAP, which is broadly consistent with Vodafone’s IFRS basis of reporting. Total revenue increased 1.5% to €4.1 billion, as contractual price increases and mobile contract customer growth were partially offset by a decline in the fixed customer base. During the year, VodafoneZiggo added 129,000 mobile contract customers. VodafoneZiggo’s broadband customer base declined by 115,000 customers to 3.2 million due to the competitive price environment. The number of converged households increased by 20,000 and 48% of broadband customers are now converged, delivering significant NPS and customer loyalty benefits. VodafoneZiggo now offers gigabit speeds to 7.5 million homes, providing nationwide coverage. Vodafone’s lower share of results in FY24 was largely due to lower adjusted EBITDA, lower gains on derivative financial instruments and higher third-party interest expenses. During the year, Vodafone received €100 million in equity distributions and €51 million in interest payments from the joint venture.

Reported change % (1.6) (2.4)

Organic change 1 %

FY24 €m

FY23 €m

Total revenue

3,846 3,429 417

3,907 3,514 393

Service revenue Other revenue


Note 1. Organic growth is a non-GAAP measure. See page 235 for more information. On 31 October 2023, we announced that we had entered into binding agreements with Zegona Communications plc in relation to the sale of 100% of Vodafone Spain. We expect final approval from the Spanish authorities to be granted imminently, with completion to occur shortly thereafter. On completion, we will receive €4.1 billion in cash (subject to customary closing adjustments) and €0.9 billion in the form of Redeemable Preference Shares, which redeem no later than six years after closing. Vodafone and Zegona have entered into an agreement whereby Vodafone will provide certain services to Vodafone Spain after completion of the transaction and Vodafone will continue to have a presence in Spain through its Innovation Hub in Malaga. The Group recorded a non-cash charge of €345 million, included in discontinued operations as a result of the re- measurement of Vodafone Spain to fair value less costs to sell. See note 7 to the consolidated financial statements for further information. Total revenue declined by 1.6% to €3.8 billion due to lower service revenue. Service revenue declined by 2.4% (Q3: -1.1%, Q4: -2.9%) due to continued price competition in the Consumer value segment, a lower customer base and a reduction in mobile termination rates. Vodafone Business service revenue declined by 1.2% (Q3: +2.2%, Q4: -2.7%) as lower mobile connectivity revenue, due to price competition in the SoHo customer segment, was only partially offset by good demand for Business digital services, particularly in Q3.

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