Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

25 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Turkey: Outperforming in an inflationary environment Turkey FY24 €m Turkey and Ghana 1 FY23 €m Reported change % Organic change 2 %

Africa: Resilient performance FY24 €m

Reported change % (8.1) (9.2) (11.8)

Re-presented 1 FY23 €m

Organic change 2 %

Total revenue Service revenue Other revenue Adjusted EBITDAaL Adjusted EBITDAaL margin

7,420 5,951 1,469 2,539

8,076 6,556 1,520 2,880

Total revenue Service revenue Other revenue Adjusted EBITDAaL Adjusted EBITDAaL margin

2,362 1,746 616 510

2,072 1,593 479 424

14.0 9.6

9.2 6.4

88.5 99.9


34.2% 35.7%

21.6% 20.5%

Notes: 1. The comparative metrics for FY23 have been re-presented to reflect the move of Vodafone Egypt to Vodacom from 1 April 2023 and the segment has been re-named Africa. 2. Organic growth is a non-GAAP measure. See page 235 for more information. Growth Total revenue declined by 8.1% to €7.4 billion due to the depreciation of local currencies versus the euro. Service revenue decreased by 9.2% (Q3: -7.5%, Q4: +1.2%). Organic growth in service revenue grew by 9.2% (Q3: 8.8%, Q4: 10.0%) with growth in South Africa, Egypt and Vodacom’s international markets. In South Africa, service revenue growth was supported by the Consumer mobile contract segment, which benefited from a price increase in the first quarter, and good fixed line growth in Consumer and Business. Growth slowed in Q4 due to a strong prior year comparative, reflecting an acceleration in customer data usage during widespread power outages, and pressure on wholesale revenue. Financial services revenue grew by 7.9% to €156.9 million on an organic basis, supported by growth in our insurance services. Service revenue in Egypt grew strongly during the year and accelerated in Q4, above inflation. The acceleration was supported by sustained customer base growth, price increases in mobile and fixed, robust demand for data and strong growth in our financial services product, ‘Vodafone Cash’. Vodafone Cash revenue more than doubled in FY24 to €95.8 million. In Vodacom’s international markets, service revenue growth was supported by a higher customer base and strong M-Pesa and data revenue growth. M-Pesa revenue grew by 13.4% on an organic basis and now represents 26.8% of service revenue. Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 11.8% during the year. On an organic basis, adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 6.4%, supported by service revenue growth and cost initiatives, partially offset by an increase in technology operating expenses associated with higher energy costs. The Adjusted EBITDAaL margin decreased by 1.5 percentage points year-on-year (organic: -1.1 percentage points) to 34.2%. Customers In South Africa, we added 125,000 contract customers in the year, and now have a mobile contract base of 6.8 million. We added 5.7 million mobile prepaid SIMs in the year, supported by our big data led customer value management capabilities which offer personalised bundles to customers. Across our active customer base, 81.5% of our mobile customers now use data services, an increase of 3.3 million year-on-year. Our ‘VodaPay’ super-app continued to gain traction with 5.8 million registered users. In Egypt, we added 437,000 contract customers and 2.4 million prepaid mobile customers during the year, and we now have 48.3 million customers. ‘Vodafone Cash’ now has 8.2 million active users with 2.8 million users added during the year. In Vodacom’s international markets, we added 4.0 million mobile customers and our mobile customer base is now 54.2 million, with 63.5% of active customers using our data services.

Notes: 1. The comparative period includes the results of Vodafone Ghana which was sold in February 2023 (previously reported within Other Markets, which also included Turkey). 2. Organic growth is a non-GAAP measure. See page 235 for more information. . Growth Total revenue increased by 14.0% to €2.4 billion, with strong service revenue growth partly offset by a significant devaluation of the local currency and the disposal of Vodafone Ghana in the prior financial year. Despite material currency devaluation, service revenue increased in euro terms by 9.6% (Q3: 6.8%, Q4: 15.6%). Organic growth in service revenue in Turkey was 88.5% (Q3: 90.4%, Q4: 105.6%), driven by ongoing repricing actions to reflect the high inflationary environment and value accretive base management activities. Vodafone Business service revenue increased by 20.1% (Q3: 20.5%, Q4: 20.3%). Organic growth in Vodafone Business service revenue was 87.4% (Q3: 94.7%, Q4: 102.2%) during the year, driven by higher connectivity revenue and strong Business demand for our cloud and IoT services. In February 2024, we announced our partnership with DAMAC to build a new data centre in Izmir. Adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 20.3% in the year, growing in euro terms during FY24. On an organic basis, adjusted EBITDAaL in Turkey increased by 99.9%, supported by ongoing digitalisation and our continued focus on cost efficiency, in the context of significant inflationary pressure on our cost base. The Adjusted EBITDAaL margin increased by 1.1 percentage points year-on-year (organic: 1.0 percentage points) at 21.6%. Customers We maintained our good commercial momentum, adding 1.4 million mobile contract customers during the year, including migrations of prepaid customers. We also increased investments to improve our networks after the earthquake in the prior year. Hyperinflationary accounting in Turkey Turkey was designated as a hyperinflationary economy on 1 April 2022 in line with IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’. See note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements for further information. Organic growth metrics exclude the impact of the hyperinflation adjustment and foreign exchange translation in Turkey. On an organic basis, Group service revenue growth excluding Turkey was 3.7% (Q3: 3.6%, Q4: 4.0%) and adjusted EBITDAaL excluding Turkey declined by 0.6%.

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Click to see further information on our operations in Africa: vodacom.com

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