Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

263 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Item Form 20-F caption

Location in this document


11 Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk 12 Description of securities other than equity securities 12A Debt securities

Note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk management’

192 to 201

Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

- - - - - -

12B Warrants and rights 12C Other securities 12D American depositary shares

Fees payable by ADR holders

13 Defaults, dividend arrearages and delinquencies

14 15

Material modifications to the rights of security holders and use of proceeds

Controls and procedures


70 to 121

Directors’ statement of responsibility: Controls over financial reporting Report of independent registered public accounting firm



16 Reserved

16A Audit Committee financial expert 16C Principal accountant fees and services 16B Code of ethics 16D Exemptions from the listing standards for audit committees 16E Purchase of equity securities by the issuer and affiliated purchasers 16F Change in registrant’s certifying accountant

Board Committees Our US listing requirements Note 3 ‘Operating profit’

86 to 99

119 152 94

Board Committees: Audit and Risk Committee: External audit

Not applicable Share buybacks Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable



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16G Corporate governance 16H Mine safety disclosure

Our US listing requirements


16I Disclosure regarding foreign jurisdictions that prevent inspections

16J Insider trading policies 16K (b) Cybersecurity

Index to Exhibits Cyber security: Strategy Cyber security: Risk management Cyber security: Threats and incidents Cyber security: Operating model Consolidated financial statements Consolidated financial statements

46 to 47 47 to 48 50 to 51 48 to 49 135 to 226 135 to 226

16K (c) Cybersecurity 17 Financial statements 18 Financial statements

Report of independent registered public accounting firm

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19 Exhibits

Index to Exhibits

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