Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Form 20-F cross reference guide (continued) 262 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 Strategic report



Other information

Item Form 20-F caption

Location in this document



Directors, senior management and employees 6A Directors and senior management

Our Board

76 to 78

Our governance structure Our Executive Committee Division of responsibilities

74 79 75

6B Compensation

Annual Report on Remuneration: 2024 Remuneration Note 23 ‘Directors and key management compensation’ Remuneration Policy

106 to 118 100 to 105


6C Board practices

Our Board

76 to 78

Our governance structure Division of responsibilities

74 75

Board activities and principal decisions Nominations and Governance Committee Audit and Risk Committee

81 to 83 86 to 88 89 to 94 96 to 97 98 to 99 95

Technology Committee ESG Committee Remuneration Committee Remuneration policy

100 to 105 Shareholder information: Articles of Association and applicable English law 250

6D Employees

Our people strategy Note 24 ‘Employees’ Remuneration Policy

15 to 20


6E Share ownership

Annual Report on Remuneration: 2024 Remuneration

106 to 118 100 to 105 208 to 209 110

All-employee share plans Note 26 ‘Shared-based payments’

6F Disclosure of a registrants action to recover erroneously awarded compensation Major shareholders and related party transactions 7A Major shareholders 7B Related party transactions

Not applicable



Shareholder information: Major shareholders Annual Report on Remuneration: 2024 Remuneration Note 23 ‘Directors and key management compensation’ Note 13 ‘Other investments’ Note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ Note 30 ‘Related party transactions’ Consolidated financial statements Report of independent registered public accounting firm Note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ Not applicable

250 181 202 216

106 to 118

212 to 216

7C Interests of experts and counsel Financial information 8A Consolidated statements and other financial information



135 to 226 212 to 216 -

Dividend rights Not applicable


8B Significant changes The offer and listing 9A Offer and listing details 9B Plan of distribution 9D Selling shareholders 9F Expenses of the issue Additional information 10A Share capital 9C Markets 9E Dilution



Shareholder information Not applicable

249 to 254

- - - -

Shareholder information: Rights attaching to the Company’s shares


Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Note 17 ‘Called up share capital’ Shareholder information Description of securities registered Shareholder information: Material contracts Shareholder information: Exchange controls Shareholder information: Taxation


10B Memorandum and Articles of Association

249 to 254


10C Material contracts 10D Exchange controls

252 252 168

10E Taxation

252 to 254 249 to 254

10F Dividends and paying agents

Note 9 ‘Equity dividends’ Shareholder information Not applicable

10G Statements by experts 10H Documents on display 10I Subsidiary information


Shareholder information: Documents on display Note 31 ’Related undertakings’


217 to 225

10J Annual Report to security holders

Not applicable


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