Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

261 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Form 20-F cross reference guide

The information in this document that is referenced in the following table will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2024 filed with the SEC (the ‘2024 Form 20-F’). The information in this document will be updated and supplemented at the time of filing with the SEC or later amended if necessary. No other information in this document is included in the 2024 Form 20-F or incorporated by reference into any filings by us under the Securities Act. Please see ‘Documents on display’ on page 252 for information on how to access the 2024 Form 20-F as filed with the SEC. The 2024 Form 20-F has not been approved or disapproved by the SEC nor has the SEC passed judgement upon the adequacy or accuracy of the 2024 Form 20-F. Item Form 20-F caption Location in this document Page 1 Identity of Directors, senior management and advisers Not applicable - 2 Offer statistics and expected timetable Not applicable - 3 Key information 3B Capitalisation and indebtedness Not applicable - 3C Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds Not applicable - 3D Risk factors Principal risk factors and uncertainties 57 to 62 4 Information on the Company 4A History and development of the Company History and development 255 Contact details Back cover Shareholder information: Contact details for Equiniti and EQ Shareholder Services 249 Shareholder information: Articles of Association and applicable English law 250 Note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ 139 to 147 Note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’ 148 to 151 Note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ 164 to 167 Note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ 171 to 172 Note 27 ‘Acquisitions and disposals’ 210 to 211 Note 28 ‘Commitments’ 212 Documents on display 252 4B Business overview About Vodafone 2 Operating in a rapidly changing industry 3 Key performance indicators 6 to 7 Chair’s message 8 Chief Executive’s statement and strategic roadmap 9 Mega trends 10 to 11 Our financial performance 21 to 31 Purpose, sustainability and responsible business 32 to 56 Note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’ 148 to 151 Regulation 255 to 258 4C Organisational structure Note 31 ‘Related undertakings’ 217 to 225 Note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint arrangements’ 173 to 180 Note 13 ‘Other investments’ 181 4D Property, plant and equipment Note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ 171 to 172 4A Unresolved staff comments None - 5 Operating and financial review and prospects 5A Operating results Our financial performance 21 to 31 Cyber security 46 to 51 Note 21 ‘Borrowings’ 190 to 191 Regulation 255 to 258 5B Liquidity and capital resources Our financial performance: Cash flow, capital allocation and funding 29 to 31 Long-term viability statement 63 Directors’ statement of responsibility: Going concern 124 Note 19 ‘Cash and cash equivalents’ 186 Note 21 ‘Borrowings’ 190 to 191 Note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk management’ 192 to 201 Note 28 ‘Commitments’ 212 5C Research and development, patents and licences etc. Note 10 ‘Intangible assets’ 169 to 170 Regulation: Overview of spectrum licences 260 5D Trend information Key performance indicators 6 to 7 Mega trends 10 to 11 Long-term viability statement 63 5E Critical accounting estimates Note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ 139 to 147

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