Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

257 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



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United Kingdom In December 2023 Ofcom published proposals to restrict mid- contract price rises to absolute values, rather than inflation linked values. Ofcom expects the changes to be introduced later in 2024. Ofcom believes the move to absolute value amounts will aid transparency and allow consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions. The UK industry continues to work towards the introduction of a new One-Touch Switching process. The introduction of the industry wide process has been delayed, with some providers not ready. We have carried out the necessary work and are ready to participate whenever the process is launched (anticipated to be later in 2024). We continue to co-operate with industry partners and Ofcom over the future launch of the new process. Vodacom: South Africa (‘SA’) The NRA (‘ICASA’) has concluded a Review of the Pro-competitive Conditions imposed on relevant licensees in terms of the Call Termination Regulations and published its Findings document on 28 March 2022. ICASA gave notice on 26 May 2023 of its intention to proceed with the cost modelling phase with the aim to implement revised voice call termination rates. Information requests were issued to all Licensees after initial workshop held on 31 May 2023. During August 2023 ICASA finalised its consultation on costs standard and determined that pure long run incremental cost standard to be used. On 22 March 2024, ICASA published a draft amended to the Call Termination Regulations for comment. The rates proposed for mobile voice call termination, which are currently ZAR 9 cents for large operators, will reduce to 7 cents from 01 July 2024, and 4 cents from 01 July 2025. For small operators, the rates proposed, which are currently 13 cents, will reduce to 9 cents from 01 July 2024, and 4 cents from 01 July 2025. The rates proposed for fixed voice call termination, which are currently 6 cents, will reduce to 4 cents from 01 July 2024, and 1 cent from 01 July 2025. On 23 June 2023, the Department of Communication and Digital Technology (‘DCDT’) published proposed amendments to the Electronic Communications Act (‘Bill’) for comment. Vodacom SA has submitted written comments on the Bill on 31 August 2023. The adoption of the Bill in its current format could lead to significant disruption of the local market, and specifically on Vodacom SA. The DCDT indicated that it will wait until the next Parliament has been elected (general election date 29 May 2024) before continuing with the process of amending the Electronic Communications Act. On 29 February 2024, NRA published draft amendments to the End-user and Subscriber Service Charter (‘EUSSC’) Regulations 2016, relating to bundle usage sequencing & roll-over, and the transfer of bundles (or portions thereof) of voice minutes, SMS and data bundles, for comment. The deadline for written comments is 15 April 2024. Other Europe: Ireland; Portugal; Romania; Greece; Czech Republic; Albania Spectrum In Portugal, Vodafone Portugal continues to appeal against certain aspects of the auction conditions for the 5G auction, which concluded in November 2021, claiming the conditions between new entrants and mobile network operators were discriminatory. Legal proceedings are still ongoing, with no expected date of conclusion, and the rights of use remain in place. In Albania, the NRA (AKEP) started preliminary discussions with the operators on their interest in the 5G bands up for auction in November 2023 and published the official Public Consultation mid-January 2024 for the band 3.4GHz -3.8GHz only. The law frequency 700MHz is still being utilised by the media operators. The regulator expects comments and proposals on the document with regards to the quantity of spectrum to be auctioned, price for 1MHz, coverage

obligations, size of blocks etc, by April 2024. Vodafone Albania has already submitted its comments to the NRA for the 3.4GHz -3.8GHz aiming to get usage rights for 100MHz of bandwitch allocation within this band. Concerns over electromagnetic field (‘EMF’) triggered a residents’ petition in Greece for the annulment of the 5G Auction Tender document. Despite the auction process completing in December 2020 and the assigned spectrum already being in use by Vodafone Greece, the petition against the Tender document was heard in January 2022, and a decision by the Council of State is pending, estimated to conclude in 2024. In the case that the petition is accepted, the assignment of 5G spectrum rights will be declared invalid. In July 2023, Greek NRA (EETT) informed mobile network operators (‘MNO’s) on the results of on-site audits which took place from October 2021 to March 2023 and indicated perceived breaches in Microwave links emission. In this context, EETT called ΜNOs to submit their views. Vodafone Greece replied to NRA’s letter and restored licensing status where relevant. Following this procedure, in January 2024, EETT called ΜNOs to a Hearing via written memorandum. Vodafone Greece submitted its memorandum and additional supporting documentation on 19 February 2024. Decision is expected to conclude in 2024. Universal Service Obligations (‘USO’) and Consumer Support Measures Vodafone Greece has four active appeals against the NRA (‘EETT’). The appeals are in relation to charges amounting to around €16.75 million. Of this, €9.0 million is in relation to the provision of universal services by operator Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE) for the period of 2010 through to 2011. Vodafone Greece has appealed these costs, with the hearings due in April 2024 for 2010 and 2011. The remaining €7.75 million has been imposed on Vodafone Greece due to a decision of EETT on the universal service obligation USO net costs for the period of 2012 to 2016. Vodafone Greece also appealed these costs. The appeal has been referred to the Administrative Court of Appeal, with the hearing due in November 2024. In addition, the Universal Service Net Cost Allocation Decision for the years 2017 to 2019 was issued in October 2023, with the Vodafone share (incl. CYTA) being calculated at €2.2 million. Vodafone Greece appealed these costs before the Administrative Court of Appeal in April 2024. Similarly, Vodafone Portugal continues to challenge payment notices totalling €34.8 million issued by ANACOM regarding 2012 to 2014 extraordinary compensation of USO costs. Access In Czech Republic, in December 2023 Vodafone announced that it agreed with SAZKA a.s. to acquire the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) SAZKAmobil. The transaction was cleared by the competition authority and was completed on 1 April 2024. In Albania the NRA launched a Public Consultation on Mobile termination rates aiming to reduce National MTRs from 1.11 lek/ minute with a target to 0.75 lek/minute with a 2 year glidepath. The consultation has been finalised and NRA has issued the relevant decisions defining the glidepath for national MTRs. International MTRs remain deregulated. Other Africa and Middle East: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); Tanzania; Mozambique; Lesotho; Turkey; Egypt. Devices and registration In Tanzania, the Communications Regulator (‘TCRA’) issued regulations that introduce a biometric registration requirement for SIMs and restrict the number of SIMs a customer may own. The TCRA

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