Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

252 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Shareholder information (continued) Unaudited information

Material contracts At the date of this Annual Report, the Group is not party to any contracts that are considered material to its results or operations except for: – its EUR 3,840,000,000 (as increased to EUR 4,050,000,000) and USD 3,935,000,000 (as increased to USD 4,004,000,000) revolving credit facilities which are discussed in note 21 ‘Borrowings’ to the consolidated statements; – the Implementation Agreement dated 20 March 2017, as amended, relating to the combination of the Indian mobile telecommunications businesses of Vodafone Group and Idea Group as detailed in note 27 ‘Acquisitions and disposals’ to the consolidated financial statements; – the Investment Agreement dated 9 November 2022, as amended, and Shareholders’ Agreement dated 22 March 2023, by which Vodafone established a co-control partnership for Vantage Towers AG with a consortium of long-term infrastructure investors led by Global Infrastructure Partners and KKR; – the Relationship Agreement entered into with Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC (“e&”) on 11 May 2023, relating to (i) the proposed appointment of up to two individuals nominated by e& as non-executive directors to the Board of Vodafone Group Plc and (ii) the ongoing relationship between e& and the Company. – the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 31 October 2023 between Vodafone Europe B.V., Zegona Bidco, S.L.U., Zegona Communications PLC and Zegona Limited relating to the sale and purchase of Vodafone Holdings Europe S.L.U.; and – the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 15 March 2024 between Vodafone Europe B.V., Swisscom Italia S.R.L., Vodafone Group Plc and Swisscom AG relating to the sale and purchase of Vodafone Italia s.p.a.. Exchange controls There are no UK Government laws, decrees or regulations that restrict or affect the export or import of capital including, but not limited to, foreign exchange controls on remittance of dividends on the ordinary shares or on the conduct of the Group’s operations. Taxation As tax is a complex area, investors should consult their own tax adviser regarding the US federal, state and local, the UK and other tax consequences of owning and disposing of shares and ADSs in their particular circumstances. This section describes, primarily for a US holder (as defined below), in general terms, the principal US federal income tax and UK tax consequences of owning or disposing of shares or ADSs in the Company held as capital assets (for US and UK tax purposes). This section does not, however, cover the tax consequences for members of certain classes of holders subject to special rules including, for example: US expatriates and former long-term residents of the United States; officers and employees of the Company; holders who, directly, indirectly or by attribution hold 5% or more of the Company’s stock (by vote or value); financial institutions; insurance companies; individual retirement accounts and other tax-deferred accounts; tax-exempt organisations; dealers in securities or currencies; investors that will hold shares or ADSs as part of straddles, hedging transactions or conversion transactions for US federal income tax purposes; investors holding shares or ADSs in connection with a trade or business conducted outside of the US; or US holders whose functional currency is not the US dollar.

the Company may call other general meetings on 14 days’ notice. The Directors may determine that persons entitled to receive notices of meetings are those persons entered on the register at the close of business on a day determined by the Directors, but no later than 21 days before the date the relevant notice is sent. The notice may also specify the record date, the time of which shall be determined in accordance with the Articles of Association and the Companies Act 2006. Under section 336 of the Companies Act 2006, the AGM must be held each calendar year and within six months of the Company’s year end. Variation of rights If at any time the Company’s share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class may be varied, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, either with the consent in writing of the holders of three quarters in nominal value of the shares of that class or at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that class. At every such separate meeting all of the provisions of the Articles of Association relating to proceedings at a general meeting apply, except that (i) the quorum is to be the number of persons (which must be at least two) who hold or represent by proxy no less than one third in nominal value of the issued shares of the class, or if such quorum is not present at an adjourned meeting, one person who holds shares of the class regardless of the number of shares he holds; (ii) any person present in person or by proxy may demand a poll; and (iii) each shareholder will have one vote per share held in that particular class in the event a poll is taken. Class rights are deemed not to have been varied by the creation or issue of new shares ranking equally, with, or subsequent to that class of shares in sharing in profits or assets of the Company or by a redemption or repurchase of the shares by the Company. Limitations on transfer, voting and shareholding As far as the Company is aware there are no limitations imposed on the transfer, holding or voting of the Company’s ordinary shares other than those limitations that would generally apply to all of the shareholders, which apply by law (e.g. due to insider dealing rules) or those that apply as a result of failure to comply with a notice under section 793 of the Companies Act 2006. No shareholder has any securities carrying special rights with regard to control of the Company. The Company is not aware of any agreements between holders of securities that may result in restrictions on the transfer of securities. Documents on display The Company is subject to the information requirements of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’) applicable to foreign private issuers. In accordance with these requirements, the Company files its Annual Report on Form 20-F and other related documents with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the ‘SEC’). These documents may be inspected at the SEC’s public reference rooms located at 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549. Information on the operation of the public reference rooms can be obtained in the United States by calling the SEC on +1-800-SEC-0330. In addition, some of the Company’s SEC filings, including all those filed on or after 4 November 2002, are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

Click to download a copy of the Company’s Articles of Association. Copies can also be obtained from the Company’s registered office

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