Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

228 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 20212020 Company statement of changes in equity of Vodafone Group Plc for the years ended 31 March Called up share capital Share premium account 1 Capital redemption 228 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 Strategic report Governance Financials

Other information

Total equity shareholders’ funds

Treasury shares 2

Profit and loss account 3

reserve 1 Other reserves 1








1 April 2022

4,797 20,384


1,088 (7,413) 27,740 46,707

Issue or re-issue of shares Profit for the financial year

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

1 – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – –


123 5,271

– – – –



– (2,502) (2,502)

Capital contribution given relating to share-based payments Contribution received relating to share-based payments

135 (113)

– – –

135 (113) (563)

Repurchase of treasury shares 4 Other movements 5 31 March 2023 Issue or re-issue of shares Loss for the financial year




4,797 20,385


1,110 (7,854) 31,605 50,154



– (1,098) (1,098) – (2,433) (2,433)


Capital contribution given relating to share-based payments Contribution received relating to share-based payments


– –

– –




Other movements 5 31 March 2024

– (1,723) (1,723)

4,797 20,385


1,153 (7,780) 26,351 45,017

Notes: 1 These reserves are not distributable. 2 Own shares relate to treasury shares which are purchased out of distributable profits and therefore reduce reserves available for distribution.

3 The Company has determined what amounts within this reserve are distributable and non-distributable in accordance with the guidance provided by ICAEW TECH 02/17BL and the requirements of UK law. In accordance with UK Companies Act 2006 s831(2), a public company may make a distribution only if, after giving effect to such distribution, the amount of its net assets is not less than the aggregate of its’ called up share capital and non-distributable reserves. 4 Represents the irrevocable and non-discretionary share buyback programmes which completed on 15 March 2023. 5 Includes the impact of the Company’s cash flow hedges with €2,051 million net loss deferred to other comprehensive income during the year (2023: €2,356 million net gain), €247 million net gain (2023: €895 million net gain) recycled to the income statement, and a tax credit of €575 million (2023: tax charge of €365 million). These hedges primarily relate to foreign exchange exposure on fixed borrowings, with any foreign exchange on nominal balances directly impacting income statement in each period but interest cash flows unwinding to the income statement over the life of the hedges (up to 2063). See note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk management’ to the consolidated financial statements for further details.

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