Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

216 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 2020 216 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



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Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued) 29. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings (continued) UK: Mr Justin Gutmann v Vodafone Limited and Vodafone Group Plc

In November 2023, Mr Gutmann issued claims in the Competition Appeal Tribunal seeking permission, as a proposed class representative, to bring collective proceedings against the four UK MNOs and their respective parent companies. Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Limited are named defendants to one of the claims with an alleged value of £1.4 billion (approximately €1.6 billion), including interest. It is alleged that Vodafone and the other MNOs used their alleged market dominance to overcharge customers after the expiry of the minimum terms of certain mobile contracts (referred to as a ‘loyalty penalty’). Taking into account all available evidence at this stage, the Group’s assessment is that the allegations are without merit and it intends to defend the claim. The Group is currently unable to estimate any possible loss in regards to this issue but, while the outcome is uncertain, the Group believes it is probable that no present obligation exists. 30. Related party transactions The Group has a number of related parties including joint arrangements and associates, pension schemes and Directors and Executive Committee members (see note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint arrangements’, note 25 ‘Post employment benefits’ and note 23 ‘Directors and key management compensation’). Transactions with joint arrangements and associates Related party transactions with the Group’s joint arrangements and associates primarily comprise fees for the use of products and services including network airtime and access charges, fees for the provision of network infrastructure and cash pooling arrangements. No related party transactions have been entered into during the year which might reasonably affect any decisions made by the users of these consolidated financial statements except as disclosed below. 2024 2023 2022 €m €m €m Sales of goods and services to associates 25 20 20 Purchase of goods and services from associates 6 8 10 Sales of goods and services to joint arrangements 267 220 221 Purchase of goods and services from joint arrangements 932 263 298 Interest income receivable from joint arrangements 1 52 52 48 Interest expense payable to joint arrangements 1 239 33 52 Trade balances owed: by associates 19 7 to associates 1 1 by joint arrangements 190 170 to joint arrangements 379 329 Other balances owed by joint arrangements 1 1,105 980 Other balances owed to joint arrangements 2 4,940 5,628 Notes: 1 Amounts arise primarily through VodafoneZiggo and Oak Holdings 1 GmbH. Interest is paid/received in line with market rates. 2 Amounts are primarily in relation to leases of tower space from Oak Holdings 1 GmbH. Dividends received from associates and joint ventures are disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows. Transactions with Directors other than compensation During the three years ended 31 March 2024 and as of 14 May 2024, no Director nor any other executive officer, nor any associate of any Director or any other executive officer, was indebted to the Group. During the three years ended 31 March 2024 and as of 14 May 2024, the Group has not been a party to any other material transaction, or proposed transactions, in which any member of the key management personnel (including Directors, any other executive officer, senior manager, any spouse or relative of any of the foregoing or any relative of such spouse) had or was to have a direct or indirect material interest.

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