Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

214 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 2020 214 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

29. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings (continued) Other cases in the Group Germany: Kabel Deutschland takeover - class actions

The German courts have been determining the adequacy of the mandatory cash offer made to minority shareholders in Vodafone’s takeover of Kabel Deutschland in 2013. Hearings took place in May 2019 and a decision was delivered in November 2019 in Vodafone’s favour, rejecting all claims by minority shareholders. A number of shareholders appealed which was rejected by the court in December 2021. Several minority shareholders filed a further appeal before the Federal Court of Justice which was dismissed in April 2024. Germany: price increase class action In November 2023, the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (Federation of German Consumer Organisations) initiated a class action against Vodafone Germany in the Hamm Higher Regional Court. Vodafone Germany implemented price increases of €5 per month for fixed lines services in 2023 in response to higher costs. The claim alleges that terms regarding price increases in the consumer contracts entered into by Vodafone Germany’s customers up until August 2023 are invalid under German civil law and seeks reimbursement of the additional charges plus interest. Customers must enter their details onto the register of collective actions on the Federal Office of Justice website in order to participate in the claim. The register opened on 23 April 2024. Whilst the Group intends to defend the claim, it is not able to determine the likelihood or estimate the amount of any possible financial loss at this early stage of the proceedings. Germany: claims regarding transfer of data to credit agencies Individual consumers are bringing claims against Vodafone Germany and/or the other national network operators alleging that information was passed to credit agencies up to February 2024 about contracts for mobile services without consumer consent. The claims seek damages of up to €5,000 per contract for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) infringement. As at 31 March 2024, Vodafone Germany had been notified of 316 claims filed in various regional courts. The other national network operators are facing similar claims. The Group’s position is that the transfer of data about the existence of a consumer contract (and not about payments in relation to the contract) to credit agencies is standard practice and justified for the purposes of fraud prevention. However, given the increasing volume of claims, Vodafone Germany has stopped this activity. Although the outcome of these claims is uncertain and consequently it is not possible to estimate a potential financial loss, if any, at this stage, the Group believes it has valid defences and that no present obligation exists based on all available evidence. Germany: investigation by federal data protection authority In 2021, the BfDI (Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information) started an investigation into potential breaches of the GDPR in relation to the systems used by Vodafone Germany’s sales partners to manage customer data. Vodafone Germany is working cooperatively with the authority to discuss the circumstances giving rise to these issues and is currently conducting settlement talks with the aim of reaching a constructive resolution of the proceedings. Under the GDPR the authority has the power to impose fines

of up to 2% of the Group’s annual revenue from the preceding financial year. A provision immaterial to the financial statements has been recorded. Italy: Iliad v Vodafone Italy

In July 2019, Iliad filed a claim for €500 million against Vodafone Italy in the Civil Court of Milan. The claim alleges anti-competitive behaviour in relation to customer portability and certain advertising campaigns by Vodafone Italy. The main hearing on the merits of the claim took place on 8 June 2021. On 17 April 2023, the Civil Court issued a judgement in Vodafone Italy's favour and rejected Iliad's claim for damages in full. Iliad filed an appeal before the Court of Appeal of Milan in June 2023. The appeal process is ongoing. The Group is currently unable to estimate any possible loss in this claim in the event of an adverse judgement on appeal but, while the outcome is uncertain, the Group believes it has valid defences and that it is probable that no present obligation exists.

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