Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

213 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 213

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Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Vodafone Idea As part of the agreement to merge Vodafone India and Idea Cellular in 2017, the parties agreed a mechanism for payments between the Group and Vodafone Idea Limited (‘VIL’) pursuant to the difference between the crystallisation of certain identified contingent liabilities in relation to legal, regulatory, tax and other matters, and refunds relating to Vodafone India and Idea Cellular. Cash payments or cash receipts relating to these matters must have been made or received by VIL before any amount becomes due from or owed to the Group. Any future payments by the Group to VIL as a result of this agreement would only be made after satisfaction of this and other contractual conditions. The Group’s maximum potential exposure under this mechanism is capped at INR 64 billion (€713 million). The final liability calculation date under the CLAM is 30 June 2025 and no further cash payments are considered probable from the Group as at 31 March 2024. The carrying value of the Group’s investment in VIL is €nil and the Group is recording no further share of losses in respect of VIL. The Group’s potential exposure to liabilities within VIL is capped by the mechanism described above; consequently, contingent liabilities arising from litigation in India concerning the operations of Vodafone India are not reported. Indus Towers Under the terms of the Indus and Bharti Infratel merger in November 2020, a security package was agreed for the benefit of the newly created merged entity, Indus Towers, which could be invoked in the event that VIL was unable to make MSA payments. The remaining element of the security package is a secondary pledge over shares owned by Vodafone Group in Indus Towers, ranking behind Vodafone’s existing lenders for the outstanding bank borrowings of €1.7 billion as at 31 March 2024 secured against Indian assets (‘the bank borrowings’), with a maximum liability cap of INR 42.5 billion (€472 million). In the event of non-payment of relevant MSA obligations by VIL, Indus Towers would have recourse to any secondary pledged shares, after repayment of the bank borrowings in full, up to the value of the liability cap. Legal Proceedings The Group is currently involved in a number of legal proceedings, including inquiries from, or discussions with, government authorities that are incidental to its operations. Legal proceedings where the Group considers that the likelihood of material future outflows of cash or other resources is more than remote are disclosed below. Where the Group assesses that it is probable that the outcome of legal proceedings will result in a financial outflow, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of that obligation, a provision is recognised for these amounts. In all cases, determining the probability of successfully defending a claim against the Group involves the application of judgement as the outcome is inherently uncertain. The determination of the value of any future outflows of cash or other resources, and the timing of such outflows, involves the use of estimates. The costs incurred in complex legal proceedings, regardless of outcome, can be significant. The Group is not involved in any material proceedings in which any of the Group’s Directors, members of senior management or affiliates are either a party adverse to the Group or have a material interest adverse to the Group. Tax cases VISPL tax claims Vodafone India Services Private Limited (‘VISPL’) is involved in a number of tax cases. The total value of the claims is approximately €468 million plus interest, and penalties of up to 300% of the principal. Of the individual tax claims, the most significant is for approximately €238 million (plus interest of €672 million), which VISPL has been assessed as owing in respect of: (i) the sale of an international call centre by VISPL to Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited group (‘HTIL’); and (ii) the acquisition of and/or the alleged transfer of options held by VISPL in Vodafone India Limited. Item (i) is subject to an indemnity by HTIL. Item (ii), which forms the largest part of the potential claim, is not subject to any indemnity. A stay of the tax demand was obtained following a deposit of INR 2,000 million (€22 million) being paid, and a corporate guarantee being provided by Vodafone International Holdings BV (‘VIHBV’) for the balance of tax assessed. On 8 October 2015, the Bombay High Court ruled in favour of Vodafone in relation to the options and the call centre sale. The Indian Tax Authority has appealed to the Supreme Court of India. The appeal hearing has been adjourned indefinitely. A claim in respect of the transfer pricing margin charged for the international call centre of HTIL prior to the 2007 transaction with Vodafone for HTIL assets in India has now been settled. While there is some uncertainty as to the outcome of the remaining tax cases involving VISPL, the Group believes it has valid defences and does not consider it probable that a financial outflow will be required to settle these cases. Netherlands tax case Vodafone Europe BV (‘VEBV’) received assessments totalling €267 million of tax and interest from the Dutch tax authorities, who challenged the application of the arm’s length principle in relation to various intra-group financing transactions. The Group entered into a guarantee for the full value of the assessments issued. VEBV appealed against these assessments to the District Court of the Hague where a hearing was held in March 2023. The District Court issued its judgement in July 2023, upholding VEBV’s appeal in relation to the majority of issues and requiring the Dutch tax authorities to significantly reduce its assessments. VEBV and the Dutch tax authorities have since appealed the judgement. The appeal hearing date is not yet known but is expected to be before the end of 2024. The Group continues to believe it has robust defences but has recorded a provision of €24 million for tax and interest, reflecting the Group’s current view of the probable financial outflow required to fully resolve the issue and has reduced the guarantee to the same value.

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