Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued) 172 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 2020 11. Property, plant and equipment (continued) 172 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 Strategic report Governance


Other information

Equipment, fixtures and fittings

Land and buildings

Total €m



Cost 1 April 2022


81,096 (2,648) (7,210) 5,805 (3,724) 1,040 101 74,460 (1,878) 4,753 (2,070) (18,530) 1,376 58,201 90 52,941 (1,694) (4,543) 5,544 (3,672) 747 (1,258) 4,814 (2,039) (12,507) 49,323 1,037 39,370

83,457 (2,729) (7,279) 5,854 (3,977) 1,047 76,457 (1,909) 4,787 (2,085) (18,969) 84 1,385 59,758 92 54,313 (1,722) (4,561) 5,627 (3,842) 748 (1,265) 4,870 (2,054) (12,794) 50,563 1,039 40,359

Exchange movements Disposal of subsidiaries

(81) (69) 49 (253) (17) (31) 34 (15) (439) 7

Additions Disposals

Hyperinflation impacts 31 March 2023 Exchange movements Other


Additions Disposals

Transfer of assets held for resale Hyperinflation impacts

9 2


31 March 2024


Accumulated depreciation and impairment 1 April 2022


Exchange movements Disposal of subsidiaries Charge for the year 1 Hyperinflation impacts 31 March 2023 Exchange movements Charge for the year 1 Disposals

(28) (18) 83 (170)




56 (15) (287)


Transfer of assets held for resale Hyperinflation impacts


31 March 2024 Net book value 31 March 2023 31 March 2024


757 568

25,137 18,831

25,894 19,399

Note: 1 Included in the charge for the year ended 31 March 2024 was €988 million (2023: €1,485 million) in respect of Vodafone Italy and Vodafone Spain, which are now reported as discontinued operations. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. Included in the net book value of land and buildings and equipment, fixtures and fittings are assets in the course of construction, which are not depreciated, with a cost of €4 million (2023: €10 million) and €1,401 million (2023: €1,988 million) respectively. Also included in the book value of equipment, fixtures and fittings are assets leased out by the Group under operating leases, with a cost of €1,623 million (2023: €2,170 million),

accumulated depreciation of €1,040 million (2023: €1,393 million) and net book value of €583 million (2023: €777 million). Right-of-use assets arising from the Group’s lease arrangements are recorded within property, plant and equipment: 2024

2023 €m


Property, plant and equipment (owned assets)

19,399 9,100 28,499

25,894 12,098

Right-of-use assets 31 March

37,992 Additions of €4,173 million (2023: €7,387 million) and a depreciation charge of €4,108 million (2023: €3,960 million) were recorded in respect of right-of-use assets during the year ended 31 March 2024. Included in the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 March 2024 was €1,091 million (2023: €1,227 million) in respect of Vodafone Italy and Vodafone Spain, which are now reported as discontinued operations. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’.

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