Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued) 156 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 2020 4. Impairment losses (continued) Year ended 31 March 2023 The disclosures below for the year ended 31 March 2023 are as previously disclosed in the 31 March 2023 Annual Report. Strategic report Governance Financials 156 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

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The Group performs its annual impairment test for goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets at 31 March and when there is an indicator of impairment of an asset. At each reporting period date judgement is exercised by management in determining whether any internal or external sources of information observed are indicative that the carrying amount of any of the Group’s cash generating units is not recoverable. Climate change As a large owner of infrastructure and consumer of energy, the Group has exposure to climate change related risks such as energy cost increases, asset damage and service disruption. The long range plans used in the Group’s impairment testing include forecast energy costs and other costs that are embedded in the planning process to deliver the Group’s zero carbon targets. The long range plans also include capital expenditure in relation to the Group’s use of durable and energy efficient infrastructure and the costs of the Group’s extensive and ongoing network maintenance programme. Climate change has not had a material impact on the outcome of the Group’s impairment testing. Indus Towers Limited The Group’s investment in Indus Towers was tested for impairment at 31 March 2023 following a decline in Indus Towers’ quoted share price in the current year. Management concluded that fair value less costs to sell is the appropriate basis to determine the recoverable amount of the Group’s investment. Indus Towers’ share price is observable in a quoted market and is considered a level 1 input under the IFRS 13 fair value hierarchy. The share price of INR 143.00 per share implied a recoverable amount of INR 81 billion (€0.9 billion) which was lower than the carrying value of the investment at the same date. An impairment charge of €64 million was recognised to reduce the carrying value of the Group’s investment to the recoverable amount in the Group’s consolidated statement of financial position. Value in use assumptions The table below shows key assumptions used in the value in use calculations, and separately presented cash-generating units for which the carrying amount of goodwill is significant in comparison with the Group’s total carrying amount of goodwill: Assumptions used in value in use calculations Germany Italy % % Pre-tax discount rate 7.8 8.9 Long-term growth rate 0.6 1.5 Projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR 1 1.8 1.0 Projected capital expenditure 2 19.4-19.8 16.5-17.9 Sensitivity analysis The estimated recoverable amounts of the Group’s operations in Germany, Italy, the UK, and Spain exceed their carrying values by €3.2 billion, €0.2 billion, €1.3 billion, and €0.4 billion respectively. If the assumptions used in the impairment review were changed to a greater extent than as presented in the following table, the changes would, in isolation, lead to an impairment loss being recognised for the year ended 31 March 2023. Change required for carrying value to equal recoverable amount Germany Italy UK Spain pps pps pps pps Pre-tax discount rate 0.6 0.2 1.6 0.5 Long-term growth rate (0.6) (0.2) (1.9) (0.6) Projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR 1 (1.8) (0.5) (4.1) (1.5) Projected capital expenditure 2 5.5 0.9 4.2 2.2 Notes: 1 Projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing. 2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as capital expenditure as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing. For the Group’s operations in Italy and Spain management has prepared the following sensitivity analysis for changes in pre-tax discount rate and projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR 1 assumptions. The associated impact of the change in each key assumption does not consider any consequential impact on other assumptions used in the impairment review. Recoverable amount less carrying value Italy Spain €bn €bn Base case as at 31 March 2023 0.2 0.4 Change in pre-tax discount rate Decrease by 1pps 1.4 1.3 Increase by 1pps (0.8) (0.3) Change in projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR 1 Decrease by 5pps (1.6) (0.8) Increase by 5pps 2.3 1.8 Note: 1 Projected adjusted EBITDAaL CAGR is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.

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