Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

138 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 20212020 Consolidated statement of cash flows for the years ended 31 March 138 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024 Strategic report



Other information

Re-presented 1

Re-presented 1

2024 €m

2023 €m

2022 €m


Inflow from operating activities





Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures Purchase of intangible assets Purchase of property, plant and equipment Purchase of investments Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed Disposal of interests in associates and joint ventures Disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Dividends received from associates and joint ventures Disposal of investments

(75) (2,641) (4,219) (1,233) (67) 500 15 1,931 442 (1,317) (6,122) 542 1,533 (8,970) (1,636) (2,227) (493) 144 (2,430) (260) (16) (1,503) (15,855) (5,420) 11,628 – 3

(78) (2,799) (4,957) (766) 6,976 1,647 617 321 (1,430) (379) 4,071 (10,501) 3,171 – 90 (1,815) (12) (1,867) (2,484) (400) (692) (3,172) 10 (13,430) 261

(445) (2,375) (4,547) (2,007)



446 15 3,280 638 246

Interest received

Cash outflows from discontinued operations Outflow from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issue of long-term borrowings Repayment of borrowings Net movement in short-term borrowings Net movement in derivatives Payments for settlement of written put options Interest paid 2 Purchase of treasury shares

(2,119) (6,868)

2,548 (6,933) 3,002 (293) (1,726) (2,087) (2,474) (539) (1,393) 189 (9,706) – –

Issue of ordinary share capital and reissue of treasury shares Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries Other transactions with non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries Equity dividends paid




Cash outflows from discontinued operations Outflow from financing activities

Net cash (outflow)/inflow

4,245 7,371

1,507 5,790 7,371 74

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year Exchange (loss)/gain on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year







Notes: 1 The results for the years ended 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are now reported as discontinued operations. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. 2 Amount for 2024 includes €nil (2023: €26 million cash outflow; 2022: €58 million cash inflow) on derivative financial instruments for the share buyback related to maturing tranches of mandatory convertible bonds.

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