Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

122 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Reporting on our financial performance


Additional disclosures 210 27. Acquisitions and disposals 212 28. Commitments 212 29. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings 216 30. Related party transactions 217 31. Related undertakings 226 32. Subsidiaries exempt from audit

123 Directors’ statement of responsibility 125 Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc 135 Consolidated financial statements 135 Consolidated income statement 135 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income/(expense) 136 Consolidated statement of financial position 137 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 138 Consolidated statement of cash flows 139 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 139 1. Basis of preparation Income statement 148 2. Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis 152 3. Operating profit 153 4. Impairment losses 158 5. Investment income and financing costs 159 6. Taxation 164 7. Discontinued operations and assets held for sale 168 8. Earnings per share 168 9. Equity dividends Financial position 169 10. Intangible assets 171 11. Property, plant and equipment 173 12. Investments in associates and joint arrangements 181 13. Other investments 182 14. Trade and other receivables 183 15. Trade and other payables 184 16. Provisions 185 17. Called-up share capital Cash flows 186 18. Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities 186 19. Cash and cash equivalents 187 20. Leases 190 21. Borrowings 192 22. Capital and financial risk management Employee remuneration 202 23. Directors’ and key management compensation 203 24. Employees 204 25. Post-employment benefits 208 26. Share-based payments

227 Company financial statements of Vodafone Group Plc 227 Company statement of financial position of Vodafone Group Plc 228 Company statement of changes in equity of Vodafone Group Plc 229 Notes to the Company financial statements 229 1. Basis of preparation 231 2. Fixed assets 232 3. Debtors 232 4. Other investments 232 5. Creditors 233 6. Called-up share capital 233 7. Share-based payments 233 8. Reserves 234 9. Equity dividends 234 10. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings 234 11. Other matters 235 Non-GAAP measures (unaudited information) 248 Additional information (unaudited information)

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