Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Directors’ Report (continued) 121 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

The Directors’ Report was approved by the Board and signed on its behalf by the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary. Maaike de Bie Group General Counsel and Company Secretary 14 May 2024 Vodafone is an inclusive employer and diversity is important to us. We give full and fair consideration to applications for employment by disabled persons and the continued employment of anyone incurring a disability while employed by us. Training, career development and promotion opportunities are equally applied for all our employees, regardless of disability. Our disclosures relating to the employment of women in senior management roles, diversity, employee engagement and policies are set out on page 13, pages 17 and 18, page 80, page 87 and page 88. Group policy compliance Each Group policy is owned by a member of the Executive Committee so that there is clear accountability and authority for ensuring the associated business risk is adequately managed. Regional Chief Executives and the Senior Leadership Team member responsible for each Group function have primary accountability for ensuring compliance with all Group policies by all our markets and entities. Our Group compliance team and policy champions support the policy owners and local markets in implementing policies and monitoring compliance. All the key Group policies have been consolidated into the Vodafone Code of Conduct, which applies to all employees and those who work for or on behalf of Vodafone. It sets out the standards of behaviour expected in relation to areas such as insider dealing, bribery and raising concerns through the whistleblowing process (known internally as ‘Speak Up’). Read more on page 44 Branches The Group, through various subsidiaries, has branches in a number of different jurisdictions in which the business operates. Further details are included in note 31 ‘Related undertakings’. Employee disclosures

Change of control Details of change of control provisions in the Company’s revolving credit facilities are set out in note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk management’. Information on agreements between the Company and its Directors providing for compensation for loss of office of employment (including details of change of control provisions in share schemes) is set out on pages 104-105. Other than these, there are no agreements between the Company and its employees providing for compensation for loss of office or employment that occurs because of a takeover bid. Dividends Full details of the Company’s dividend policy and proposed final dividend payment for the year ended 31 March 2024 are set out on page 31 and note 9 ‘Equity dividends’ to the consolidated financial statements. Sustainability Information about the Company’s approach to sustainability risks and opportunities is set out on pages 32-55 and on pages 57-69. UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting In accordance with UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements, we monitor and report on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of our operations, the intensity of our GHG emissions relative to revenue, and our energy consumption for Vodafone UK. Please see the Sustainable Business section of our Strategic Report for more details on our GHG and energy performance (pages 38-39) and our SECR data disclosure (page 55). Political donations No political donations or contributions to political parties under the Companies Act 2006 were made during the financial year. The Group policy is that no political donations be made or political expenditure incurred. Financial risk management objectives and policies Disclosures relating to financial risk management objectives and policies, including our policy for hedging, are set out in note 22 to the consolidated financial statements, and disclosures relating to exposure to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk are outlined in note 22. Important events since the end of the financial year There were no material events to report since the end of the financial year. Future developments within the Group The Strategic Report contains details of likely future developments within the Group.

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