Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

114 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)

In our European markets, we delivered a one-off payment to non-tariff Germany employees below senior leadership level and in Ireland we delivered a salary increase to front-line employees. For all our markets we carefully consider wider market conditions when setting salary budgets for the 2024 annual reward review. Risk management The Committee undertakes an annual review of the potential risks within our incentive plans and what steps have been taken to mitigate these. The review looks at both the structure of our incentives and the performance conditions used. Given our current structure and performance metrics, the 2024 review focused on risk areas such as capital expenditure and alignment between management and stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement The Committee considers all stakeholder groups when setting executive pay including: Employees

The Committee is fully briefed on pay arrangements across the business to ensure any decisions on executive pay are made within our wider business context and take into account wider employee pay conditions. We engage with our employees through a variety of means including employee forums, interactive webinars (including with our executives), global Spirit Beat surveys and digital platforms, all of which give our people the chance to voice their opinion on any area of interest, including all-employee and executive pay. The importance of customers to our strategy is reflected in how our annual bonus plan includes the customer-focused measures of Revenue Market Share, NPS, and Churn. The Committee values the active participation of our shareholders during our consultations and fully considers all feedback as part of the review process. The Committee actively engages with external professional bodies and government departments when they issue consultations on proposed changes to legislation or reporting guidelines. The Committee is fully aware that society remains concerned about the risk of excessive executive pay practices in the wider market. The Committee believes that transparent reporting and active engagement in explaining both the operation of, and rationale for, executive pay decisions is key for businesses to retain trust in this area.


Shareholders Government Wider society

UK gender pay gap reporting Each year we publish our UK gender pay gap in line with the statutory UK methodology. The nature of the statutory calculation means the gap will fluctuate year on year, influenced by changes in our business structure, Company performance and the percentage of men and women at all levels and positions. The existence of a UK gender pay gap in our business is primarily a consequence of more men than women holding senior or specialist, and therefore higher-paid, roles. With our commitment to embed an inclusive culture, we continue our work to reduce the gap and have made good progress since the publication of our first report in 2017. Our global programmes aim to support women across different roles, areas, and geographies of our business and will, over time, reduce our specific UK gender pay gap, which this year was calculated as 9.0% – a slight decrease from our 2022 figure of 10.4%. We are proud of the policies that we have put in place to support our employees and we remain committed to addressing female representation at senior levels and the gender pay gap. Click to learn more about our initiatives, case studies, and key statistics on our dedicated UK gender pay gap webpage: vodafone.com/uk-gender-pay-gap Relative spend on pay The chart below shows both the dividends distributed in the year and the total cost of remuneration in the Group.




2,502 2,433

Distributed by way of dividends 2023 2024

2023 2024

Overall expenditure on remuneration for all employees

Read more details on dividends and expenditure on remuneration for all employees, on pages 168 and 203 respectively

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