Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

105 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Treatment of corporate events All of the Company’s share plans contain provisions relating to a change of control of the Company. Outstanding awards and options would normally vest and become exercisable on a change of control taking into account, in respect of GLTI awards, the extent to which, in the Remuneration Committee’s opinion, any relevant performance conditions are satisfied, the Company’s and the Executive Director’s performance, any other relevant factors and, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, the proportion of the vesting period that has elapsed. In the event of a demerger, distribution (other than an ordinary dividend) or other transaction which would affect the current or future value of any award, the Remuneration Committee may allow awards to vest on the same basis as for a change of control described above. Alternatively, an adjustment may be made to the number of shares if considered appropriate. Payments for departing Executive Directors In the table below we summarise the key elements of our Remuneration Policy on payments for loss of office. We will always comply both with the relevant plan rules and local employment legislation. The Remuneration Committee may make any statutory payment that is required in any relevant jurisdiction. Provision Policy

Notice period and compensation for loss of office in service contracts Treatment of annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) on termination under plan rules Treatment of unvested long-term incentive awards (‘GLTI’) on termination under plan rules

– 12 months’ notice from the Company to the Executive Director. – Up to 12 months’ base salary and contractual benefits (in line with the notice period). Notice period payments will either be made as normal (if the Executive Director continues to work during the notice period or is on gardening leave) or they will be made as monthly payments in lieu of notice (subject to mitigation if alternative employment is obtained). – The annual bonus may be pro-rated for the period of service during the financial year and will reflect the extent to which Company performance has been achieved. The annual bonus may be paid in such proportions of cash and shares, and subject to such deferral arrangements, as the Remuneration Committee may determine. – The Remuneration Committee has discretion to adjust the entitlement to an annual bonus to reflect the individual’s performance and the circumstances of the termination. – Normally, unvested GLTI awards will lapse when an Executive Director leaves the Group. However, an Executive Director’s award will vest in accordance with the terms of the plan to the extent determined by the Remuneration Committee taking into account applicable performance conditions, the underlying performance of the Company and of the Executive Director and any other relevant factors, if the Executive Director dies in service or leaves because of their ill health, injury, disability, redundancy or retirement, or the sale of their employing company or business out of the Group or for any other reason determined by the Remuneration Committee, more than five months after the month in which the award is granted. The Remuneration Committee has discretion to determine whether the award will vest at the normal vesting date or earlier. The Remuneration Committee will determine the satisfaction of performance conditions applicable to the award. Awards will, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, be pro-rated for the proportion of the vesting period that had elapsed at the date the Executive Director leaves the Group. – The Remuneration Committee has discretion to vary the level of vesting as deemed appropriate, and in particular to determine that awards should not vest for reasons which may include, at their absolute discretion, departure in case of poor performance, departure without the agreement of the Board, or detrimental competitive activity. – Generally pension and benefit provisions will continue to apply until the termination date. – Where appropriate other benefits may be receivable, such as (but not limited to) payments in lieu of accrued holiday, legal fees, tax advice costs in relation to the termination and outplacement support. – Benefits of relatively small value may continue after termination where appropriate, such as (but not limited to) mobile phone provision.

Pension and benefits

In exceptional circumstances, an arrangement may be established specifically to facilitate the exit of a particular individual albeit that any such arrangement would be made within the context of minimising the cost to the Group. We will only take such a course of action in exceptional circumstances and where it is considered to be in the best interests of shareholders. Chair and Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration Our policy is for the Chair to review the remuneration of Non-Executive Directors annually following consultation with the Remuneration Committee Chair. Fees for the Chair are set by the Remuneration Committee. Element Policy Fees – We aim to pay competitively for the role including consideration of the time commitment required. We benchmark the fees against an appropriate external comparator group. We pay a fee to our Chair which includes fees for chair of any committees. We pay a fee to each of our other Non-Executive Directors and they may receive an additional fee if they chair or are a member of a committee and/or hold the position of Senior Independent Director (although the Remuneration Committee does not currently intend to award additional fees for serving on a Board committee, other than for chairing that committee). Non- Executive Directors’ fee levels are set within the maximum level as approved by shareholders as part of our Articles of Association. We review the structure of fees from time to time and may, as appropriate, make changes to the manner in which total fees are structured, including but not limited to any additional chair or membership fees. Allowances – Under a legacy arrangement, an allowance is payable each time certain non-Europe-based Non-Executive Directors are required to travel to attend Board and committee meetings to reflect the additional time commitment involved. Incentives – Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any incentive plans. Benefits – Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any benefit plans. The Company does not provide any contribution to their pension arrangements. The Chair is entitled to the use of a car and a driver whenever and wherever they are providing their services to or representing the Company. We have been advised that for Non-Executive Directors, certain travel and accommodation expenses in relation to attending Board meetings should be treated as a taxable benefit, therefore we also cover the tax liability for these expenses. Non-Executive Director letters of appointment Non-Executive Directors are engaged on letters of appointment that set out their duties and responsibilities. The appointment of Non-Executive Directors may be terminated without compensation. Non-Executive Directors are generally not expected to serve for a period exceeding nine years. For further information refer to the Nominations and Governance Committee section of the Annual Report.

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