Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Remuneration Policy (continued) 104 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



Other information

Estimates of total future potential remuneration from 2024 pay packages The tables below provide estimates of the potential future remuneration for Executive Directors based on the remuneration opportunity to be granted in the 2024 financial year. Potential outcomes based on different performance scenarios are provided in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements. The assumptions underlying each scenario are described below. Fixed Consists of base salary, benefits and pension. Base salary is at 1 July 2023. Benefits are valued using the figures in the total remuneration for the 2023 financial year table on page 94 (of the 2023 annual report). Pensions are valued by applying cash allowance rate of 10% of base salary at 1 July 2023. Base (£’000) Benefits (£’000) Pension (£’000) Total fixed (£’000) Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer 1,250 26 125 1,401 Mid-point Based on what a Director would receive if performance was in line with the Company’s business plan. The opportunity for the annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) is 100% of base salary under this scenario. The opportunity for the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) reflects assumed achievement mid-way between threshold and maximum performance. Maximum The maximum award opportunity for the GSTIP is 200% of base salary. The maximum GLTI opportunity reflects full vesting based on the maximum award levels set out in this Remuneration Policy (i.e. 500% of base salary for the Chief Executive and 450% of base salary for the Chief Financial Officer). Maximum +50% The same assumptions apply as for ‘Maximum’ but with a 50% uplift in the value of the GLTI award. All scenarios Long-term incentives consist of share awards only which are measured at face value, i.e. no assumption is made for dividend equivalents which may be payable.

Margherita Della Valle Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer


13,276 71%

10,151 61%

6,401 59%

14% 25%

10% 19%


22% 19%



Maximum Maximum (assuming 50% share price growth)

Salary, Benefits, and Pension

Annual Bonus

Long-Term Incentive

Recruitment remuneration Our approach to recruitment remuneration is to pay no more than is necessary and appropriate to attract the right talent to the role. The Remuneration Policy table (pages 88 and 89) sets out the various components which would be considered for inclusion in the remuneration package for the appointment of an Executive Director. Any new Director’s remuneration package will take into account the elements and constraints of those of the existing Directors performing similar roles and the individual circumstances of the new Director. This means a potential maximum bonus opportunity of 200% of base salary and long-term incentive maximum face value of opportunity at award of 500% of base salary. When considering the remuneration arrangements of individuals recruited from external roles to the Board, we will take into account the remuneration package of that individual in their prior role. We only provide additional compensation to individuals for awards forgone. If necessary we will seek to replicate, as far as practicable, the level and timing of such remuneration, taking into account also any remaining performance requirements applying to it. This will be achieved by granting awards of cash or shares that vest over a timeframe similar to those forfeited and, if appropriate, based on performance conditions. A commensurate reduction in quantum will be applied where it is determined that the new awards are either not subject to performance conditions or subject to performance conditions that are not as stretching as those of the awards forfeited. Where it is not practicable to grant these ‘buy-out’ awards using the GLTI rules submitted to shareholders at the 2023 AGM, the Company may grant these awards using bespoke arrangements. Service contracts of Executive Directors Executive Directors’ contracts have rolling terms and can be terminated with no more than 12 months’ notice. The key elements of the service contract for Executive Directors relate to remuneration, payments on loss of office (see next page), and restrictions during active employment (and for 12 months thereafter). These restrictions include non-competition and non-solicitation of customers and employees.

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