103 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024
Strategic report
Other information
Notes to the Remuneration Policy table Existing arrangements
We will honour existing awards, incentives, benefits and contractual arrangements made to individuals prior to their promotion to the Board and/or prior to the approval and implementation of this Remuneration Policy. For the avoidance of doubt this includes payments in respect of any award granted under any previous Remuneration Policy. This will last until the existing incentives vest (or lapse) or the benefits or contractual arrangements no longer apply. Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) When referring to our long-term incentive awards we use the financial year end in which the award was made. For example, the “2023 award” was made in the financial year ending 31 March 2023. The awards are usually made in the first half of the financial year.
The extent to which awards vest depends on three performance conditions: – underlying operational performance as measured by adjusted free cash flow; – relative Total Shareholder Return (‘TSR’) against a peer group median; and – performance against our Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) targets.
Further details of these performance conditions are set out below. The Remuneration Committee reserves the right during the lifetime of the Remuneration Policy to change the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards to other financial, shareholder return and strategic metrics, if the Remuneration Committee determines that to do so would be in the best interests of the Company. However, in such circumstances, the majority of the GLTI awards would continue to remain subject to financial performance targets. The Remuneration Committee would engage with major shareholders prior to changing the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards in this way. Adjusted free cash flow The free cash flow performance is based on the cumulative adjusted free cash flow figure over the performance period. The detailed targets and the definition of adjusted free cash flow are determined each year as appropriate. The target adjusted free cash flow level is set by reference to our long-range plan and market expectations. The Remuneration Committee sets these targets to be sufficiently demanding and with significant stretch. The cumulative adjusted free cash flow vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below (with linear interpolation between points): Performance Vesting percentage (% of FCF element)
Below threshold Threshold Maximum
0% 20% 100%
Relative TSR We have a limited number of appropriate peers and this makes the measurement of a relative ranking system volatile. As such, the outperformance of the median of a peer group is felt to be the most appropriate TSR measure. The peer group and outperformance range for the performance condition are reviewed each year and amended as appropriate. The TSR vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below (with linear interpolation between points): Performance Vesting percentage (% of TSR element) 100% In order to determine the percentages for the equivalent outperformance levels above median, the Remuneration Committee seeks independent external advice. ESG performance Below threshold Threshold (median) 0% 20% Maximum (outperformance of median as determined per award) Our ESG targets are set on an annual basis (in accordance with our approach for our other performance measures) and are aligned to our externally communicated ambitions in this area. Where performance is below the agreed ambition, the Remuneration Committee will use its discretion to assess vesting based on performance against the stated ambition and any other relevant information. Remuneration policy for other employees While our remuneration policy follows the same fundamental principles across the Group, packages offered to employees reflect differences in market practice in the different countries, role and seniority. For example, the remuneration package elements for our Executive Committee are essentially the same as for the Executive Directors with some minor differences, for example smaller levels of share awards and local variances where appropriate. The remuneration for the next level of management, our Senior Leadership Team, again follows the same principles with local and/or individual performance aspects in the annual bonus targets and GLTI awards. They also receive lower levels of share awards which are partly delivered in conditional share awards without performance conditions.
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