Vodafone 2024 Annual Report

Remuneration Committee 98 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2024

Strategic report



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Letter from the Remuneration Committee Chair On behalf of the Board, I present our 2024 Directors’ Remuneration Report.

Fair pay During the year we continued to make interventions across our business to support our colleagues in countries where inflationary and cost of living pressures were being felt. This included targeted support in markets including, but not limited to, Germany, Ireland, Egypt, and Turkey. The type of support used was tailored to specific market circumstances but included additional or accelerated salary reviews and the provision of extra cash allowances. When making decisions on executive remuneration the Committee considers pay in the wider context including arrangements elsewhere in the business, our fair pay principles and stakeholder considerations. Read more on page 113 Arrangements for 2025 Base salary and pension arrangements Prior to the 2024 review, the salaries for both Executive Directors had been unchanged following their respective appointments to the roles of Group Chief Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer. Following the 2024 salary review, the Committee agreed that salaries for both Executive Directors would remain unchanged. The Committee felt this was appropriate considering Margherita Della Valle’s salary increase following her permanent appointment as Group Chief Executive in April 2023, and given Luka Mucic’s salary was set appropriately when he joined as Chief Financial Officer in September 2023. Pension arrangements for Executive Directors will continue to remain aligned with the wider UK workforce at 10% of base salary. Annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) During the year the Committee determined that measures and weighting under the 2025 annual bonus will remain unchanged from those used in the 2024 plan: – Growth (70%) : service revenue (20%), adjusted EBIT (20%), adjusted free cash flow (20%) and revenue market share (10%). – Customers (30%) : Net Promoter Score (20%) and churn (10%). Global long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) The Committee determined that the GLTI will remain unchanged for 2025. The measures under the long-term incentive will continue to be weighted at 60% adjusted free cash flow, 30% relative TSR and 10% ESG. Read more on pages 117 to 118 Performance outcomes during 2024 GSTIP performance (1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024) Annual bonus performance during the year was measured against both financial and strategic measures aligned to our strategic priorities of Growth and Customers. The four measures underpinning Growth, equivalent to 70% of the award, include service revenue (20%), adjusted EBIT (20%), adjusted free cash flow (20%), and revenue market share (10%). The measures under the Customers element of the award, equivalent to 30% of the award, include Net Promoter Score (20%) and Churn (10%). Performance under the financial and strategic measures was consistent with or above the mid-point of the target range. The combined performance resulted in an overall bonus payout of 71.2% of maximum. Read more on pages 107 and 108

This report includes both our Policy Report (as approved by shareholders at the 2023 AGM), and our 2024 Annual Report on Remuneration, which sets out how our policy was implemented during the year under review and how it will be applied for the year ahead. Activities during the year In the last year we have seen good progress in delivering against our strategic goals of Customers, Simplicity, and Growth, and in transforming our company to support these ambitions. We recognise how important it is to stay connected with our employees during this period of change, and as a result continue to collect feedback through our Spirit Beat survey and other employee listening initiatives. Our workforce engagement leads, Christine Ramon and Delphine Ernotte Cunci, have also attended forums in Europe and Africa to understand the perspectives of employees across all our markets. The key topics raised by employee representatives this year included our company transformation, market portfolio, the development of our employees, and the experience of our customers. As set out in last year’s letter, we launched our remuneration policy consultation with our largest shareholders last year and engaged with a variety of investor bodies and proxy agencies. We were pleased to see that our Policy Report was approved by over 95% of shareholders at the 2023 AGM. The Committee would like to thank those that provided feedback leading up to this and we continue to engage with investors on the implementation of our 2024 Annual Report on Remuneration. Alignment with our strategy and culture During the year we made announcements regarding the sale of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy and outlined the binding agreement to combine our UK business. These reflect the advancements we have made in right-sizing our European portfolio for optimal growth. We also made good early progress with improving the experience of customers and transforming our operations to remove complexity and accelerate growth. To support and reinforce these priorities, we updated the structure of our Global Short Term Incentive plan to categorise measures under Growth and Customers. In the case of the latter, we split out our NPS, Churn and Revenue Market Share metrics into separate measures, following the previous approach of categorising these under a single Customer Appreciation metric. This has ensured dedicated focus, and, in the case of NPS, where we specifically review the reduction of deep detractor customers, we have seen a reduction in a majority of our markets. We continue to use adjusted free cash flow across our incentive plans to reinforce the importance of cash generation in creating value for our business and when applying rigorous capital discipline in investment decisions. We also use adjusted service revenue and adjusted EBIT in our Global Short Term Incentive plan to focus on the importance of delivering operating efficiencies when maximising profit and revenue. The Committee evaluates the remuneration decisions, outcomes, and structures in the context of our evolving company strategy, and this will inform any changes to our Policy Report which will be reviewed in the forthcoming year.

Read more about our strategy and culture on pages 9 and 80 of this Annual Report

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